Pitfalls of Poor Requirements in Data Engineering

Ryan Ferdon
2 min readJul 10, 2023

Requirements gathering is a critical aspect of data engineering and it has a profound impact on project success. Failing to gather clear and comprehensive requirements can lead to costly pitfalls and hinder the effectiveness of data engineering initiatives. Let’s explore some key challenges a data team can have around requirements and the steps we can take to avoid them.

Vague Objectives

Unclear objectives make designing effective data engineering solutions challenging. Without a clear understanding of desired outcomes, systems may not meet stakeholder expectations or address their underlying needs. Clearly define objectives from the outset to ensure project alignment and success.

Incomplete Data Understanding

Poorly defined requirements can result in incomplete or inaccurate data transformations. This can lead to unreliable insights and flawed analysis. Collaborate closely with domain experts to comprehensively understand the data and its nuances.

Lack of Scalability

Ignoring scalability considerations can lead to systems that quickly become obsolete. Anticipate growing data volumes, changing business needs, and evolving technologies to design flexible and scalable data engineering solutions.

Communication Breakdown

Insufficient documentation and communication of requirements lead to misunderstandings, misalignments, and delays. Thoroughly document and consistently communicate requirements to all stakeholders. Regular checkpoints and feedback loops are essential for success.

Unrealistic Timelines

Poorly defined requirements often result in unrealistic timelines or insufficient resource allocation. Rushing through requirements or underestimating effort compromises quality and hampers optimization opportunities. Invest sufficient time and resources in gathering and validating requirements to set realistic expectations.

Data engineering projects can thrive by addressing the pitfalls of poor requirements gathering. Clear, comprehensive, and well-documented requirements form the foundation of efficient data engineering solutions. Collaboration, communication, and a deep understanding of the data ecosystem are crucial for aligning stakeholder needs. Prioritize requirements gathering to pave the way for data engineering success!



Ryan Ferdon

I’m a programmer, leader, and entrepreneur. I’m excited about new technology, automation, entrepreneurship, cryptocurrency, and data.